Ongoing Projects
Medicinal cannabis is now used to treat a wide range of diseases and symptoms. Cannabis plants contain more than 500 different ingredients, including cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. In human medicine, the two cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) have primarily been used to date. THC and CBD belong to the cannabinoid substance class, of which more than 100 different representatives have already been identified. With other ingredients such as cannabigerol (CBG), cannabivarin (CBV) and cannabinol (CBN), additional ingredients from the cannabis plant are available. In this context, terpenes, which have received little attention to date and are responsible for the characteristic odor of cannabis varieties, are also gaining attention. Terpenes have diverse physiological effects and can have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, among others. Terpene extraction from cannabis for the manufacture of new products is therefore increasingly becoming the focus of the industry. As an alternative to conventional extraction methods (e.g. CO²), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) is emerging as a possible method for the gentle extraction of all active ingredients in cannabis. Microwave-assisted extraction is one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly methods of isolating substances from plant material and is also known as “green chemistry”, as it does not require the use of solvents. The “MY-CAN” project aims to develop a microwave system from the company MLS for modular distillation, extraction and isolation of various aromas and active ingredients from cannabis. In addition, extracts and extraction processes, as well as the isolation of individual substances, will be analytically validated at the University of Hohenheim.
Funding: BMWK - Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Funding indicator: 16KN089656
Duration: 01.06.24-31.05.2027
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Ilona Szabo-Maradics
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim, Institute of Crop Science 340A, Department Agronomy
MLS GmbH/MWS GmbH, Leutkirch
Development of a method for the determination of possible active relationships between cannabinoid and TErpene profiles from Cannabis sativa L. as starting material for the production of a dosing aerosol (or comparable mobile dosage form) as an alternative to classical administration by means of a VAPorizer (TECVAP)
The aim of the TECVAP project is to create an optimized active ingredient mixture of cannabinoids and terpenes, which in future will serve as the starting point for the production of a cannabis-based finished medicinal product for inhalation for the treatment of acute pain and spastic cramps. At the end of the project, a process should be established which, in combination with defined raw material production, can supply material with characterized cannabinoid and terpene profiles in sufficient quantity and pharmaceutical quality for preclinical studies. Pharmbiocon is researching the optimal composition of active ingredients. Biotesys is developing a bioassay to prove the physiological effectiveness of volatile active ingredients in vitro. Valoya's aim is to develop special lighting concepts for the targeted control of the desired ingredients. The University of Hohenheim is conducting various experiments to determine the effective relationship between the lighting concept and the plant's nutrient requirements, which change according to the given light intensity and wavelength. The aim is to develop a fertilization concept for the controlled nutrient supply of cannabis plants in order to influence and standardize the plant source material with regard to the content of the various cannabinoids and terpenes.
Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Funding indicator: 16KN089659
Duration: 15.06.2024 - 28.02.2027
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Torsten Schober
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim, Institute of Crop Science 340A, Department Agronomy
Valoya, Helsinki, Finland
Biotesys, Esslingen, Deutschland
Pharmbiocon, Bad Endbach, Deutschland
By 2021, German agriculture emitted 56.3 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents, 7.4% of the country's total emissions, underscoring agriculture's crucial role in climate protection. The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) states that agricultural emissions must decrease by at least 7% by 2030. As a result, climate protection initiatives in agriculture and forestry concentrate on reducing production emissions, enhancing resource efficiency, and adopting more sustainable practices, including a shift to plant-based diets and technological advances in plant production. In the context of greenhouse gasses (GHG) avoidance, cultivating grain legumes can significantly reduce N2O emissions from fertilization. Currently legumes are grown on only 1.8% of German arable land due to a lack of information on site-optimized cultivation, crop management, crop rotation integration, and variety selection, particularly in mixed cultivation systems. Additionally, grain legumes struggle to compete economically with other crops and face challenges in further processing within the value chain. MY-BELKID aims to develop pure and mixed cropping systems for kidney beans and beluga lentils alongside various companion crops, while integrating these systems finally into practical agriculture. Field experiments at the University of Hohenheim will address key questions such as variety selection, companion crops, mixing ratios, harvest dates, and their impact on the quality of the harvested crops. These field experiments are complemented by on-farm experiments at various locations, including organic farms, in collaboration with the project partner LBV Raiffeisen eG. Furthermore, the GHG reduction potential of these systems will be calculated using plant growth models, which can be applied to various farming scenarios. Post-harvest processes will be optimized in partnership with LBV, to enhance grain quality.
The project goals of MY-BELKID are:
- develop and test cropping systems of beluga lentils and kidney beans through on-farm and controlled experiments
- optimize the mixed cropping of beluga lentils by assessing different companion partners and mixing ratios, focusing on minimizing GHG emissions
- use of process-oriented plant growth models to estimate the GHG reduction potential of the different cultivation systems
- develop and refine the post-harvest technologies
- establish a partner consortium and a farmer’s network, and develop practical recommendations for the cultures in Germany
Sponsor/Funding: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)
Funding indicator: 2823KTF019
Duration: 07.05.2024 - 30.04.2027
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M.Sc. Antônia Finkler Dias Fernandes
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim, Institute of Crop Science 340A, Agronomy
JLBV - Raiffeisen e.G. – Schrozberg
The advancing climate change necessitates an adaptation of crop production systems. These adaptation strategies include the expansion of drought-tolerant crops and an increased diversification of current crop rotations. Chickpea, lupin, soybean, and buckwheat are highly tolerant to heat and drought stress and can contribute to a further diversification of existing crop rotations. However, there is currently a lack of information regarding crop management and site selection regarding the best integration of these climate-adapted crops into existing production systems. Additionally, it is not yet known how individual genotypes of these crops behave under stress conditions and what future adaptations will be necessary. Plant growth models offer a way to derive site-specific recommendations and illustrate the effects of climate change. Plant growth models, such as the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT), consider the interactions between genotype, environment, and management practices. As part of the MINOR+ project, the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) is working as a project partner on the crops soybean and lupin. The University of Hohenheim is working with chickpeas and buckwheat.
Exact field trials (irrigated and non-irrigated) are carried out to determine the parameters required for the model using destructive and non-destructive measurements. In addition to these measurements, the plant's water supply will be continuously monitored using soil moisture sensors and drone images. Additional yield data will be collected through various on-farm trials in Germany.
An agroecosystem model will be extended to include the crops lupin and buckwheat. The model will be parameterized for the chickpea and the soybean for German growing conditions and varieties. These calibrated models will then be used to simulate adaptation measures and the impacts of different climate scenarios.
- Collection of the data required to develop a plant growth model for both crops.
- Calibrate and evaluate plant growth models for chickpeas, lupines, soybeans and buckwheat.
- Apply the model to develop site-specific cultivation recommendations for the crops, combined with an economic assessment.
- Transfer the models to practice through cultivation advice and the DSSAT platform.
- Develop specific recommendations for agricultural practice, plant breeding and policy.
Sponsor/Funding: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)
Funding indicator: 2823ABS050
Duration: 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dennis Gekeler
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim, Institute of Crop Science 340A, Agronomy
Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) | Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants
Landberatung GmbH
DSSAT-Modeling Group, Florida
5G Pilot Region on cloud infrastructure, smart farming & efficient fertilization in the Böblingen district
The project focuses on the potential of the 5G application in the field of smart fertilization, which aims at resource-efficient, site-specific, and demand-oriented fertilizer applications. Different sensors are used to record various environmental and plant data immediately before and during the fertilization process and transmit it to the edge cloud, which is the core element of the 5G PreCiSe environment, for real-time evaluation. With the addition of further data from different sources e.g., historical data, etc. as well as crop growth simulation model (DDSAT), the optimal fertilizer requirement for the current through the agricultural machine is determined in the edge cloud by control algorithms. In order to achieve our goals, we create the required test fields for carrying out experiments with different variants of nitrogen fertilization (fertilization strategies) and the associated agronomic data collection (e.g. yield, quality, environmental impact). The different strategies are, 1) Common agricultural practice - conventional determination of fertilizer requirements, uniform for the entire area. 2) Fertilizer requirement determination with the help of online sensors. 3) Determination of fertilizer requirements supported by process-oriented DSSAT plant growth model including historical field data. 4) Determination of fertilizer requirements by means of real-time data linking all relevant field and crop data that is available at the time of fertilization.
Federal Ministry of digital and transport
Funding indicator: 45FGU112_F
Duration: 01.07.2021 - 09.10.2024
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Sara Heshmati, Dr. Emir Memic
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim - Institute of Crop Sciences 340A - Department Agronomy
Landkreis Böblingen
Zentrum Digitalisierung Region Stuttgart
Hochschule Reutlingen
Herman Hollerith Zentrum
Advancing Individual Network (ain)
Genotype to phenotype modelling of phosphate acquisition and related biomass and yield traits of maize
Phosphate is an essential nutrient for plant growth. However, phosphate acquisition by crops can be problematic due to complex interacting biotic and abiotic processes that influence the availability of phosphate in soil such as activity of root, rhizosphere microflora and saprotrophs (Hinsinger 2001). Consequently, low plant-availability of phosphate is an important limiting factor in achieving optimal yields in agriculture in many parts of the world (Smit et al. 2009).
It is hypothesized that growth responses of phosphate-efficient maize cultivars are related to a high root length density during early development, which supports leaf area growth. Radiation interception and thus biomass and grain yield will be enhanced. These physiological relationships can be integrated in crop growth models accounting for environmental conditions (weather and soil) and genotype characteristics. Finally, the best performing combinations of plant genetics and management systems can be identified that optimize phosphate use efficiency (PUE) in silage and grain maize cropping systems. We will develop a model for the evaluation of a range of phosphate fertilization and soil management strategies while considering different maize genotypes to identify the ideosystem (genetics * crop management + environment) that maximizes plant phosphate acquisition. Based on genotype to phenotype modelling, superior combinations of plant genetics and management systems can be identified optimizing PUE in maize-based cropping systems in different environments.
Förderer: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Förderkennzeichen: DFG 328017493/GRK 2366
Laufzeit: 01.10.2018 - 2027
Beteiligte Personen:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger (340), Dr. sc. Sebastian Munz (340), Filippo Abele (340), International Research Training Group (763)
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
International Research Training Group “AMAIZE-P: Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources”
Germany is trying to develop its own cannabis production chain under the control of the national cannabis agency. However, knowledge and experiences are missing in the sector of cannabis production in Germany and the industry is lacking behind. In order to meet the given requirements of a standardized cannabis production, German industry and research organizations have to link up with experienced partners in this sector to close existing knowledge gaps.
The international research network CANNABIS-NET, which includes small and medium-sized companies from Germany and Canada, aims to close this gap and help establish a successful and promising cannabis market in Germany. To achieve this goal, the members are developing innovative technologies along the entire value chain:
- Cultivation and breeding technologies
- Harvesting, drying and processing methods
- Analysis and extraction processes
- Final application and product development
The University of Hohenheim plays a dual role: Through many years of research expertise in the field of crop science as well as experience as a member of several ZIM networks, it is responsible for network management on the one hand. On the other hand, it also implements research projects initiated by network partners and thus significantly shapes the innovative power of the network.
The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) represents the international coordinator for the Canadian companies. NRC IRAP is Canada’s leading innovation assistance program for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). NRC IRAP helps accelerate the growth of Canadian SMEs, supporting thousands of innovative firms each year from all industry sectors through a wide range of technical and business advisory services as well as funding.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Funding indicator: 16KN089601
Duration: 01.12.2020 - 30.11.2024
Involves persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M.Sc. Samantha Jo Grimes, M.Sc. Elisabeth Abele
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim: Working Group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
The future German energy concept envisions an energy mix for electricity generation, in which renewable energies account for a share of 80 % up to the year 2050. To date, the German power grids have not been designed to transport electricity from renewable energies across the country. Hence, large infrastructure measures are planned that are associated with considerable impacts on soils due to the laying of cables. In addition to changes in soil structure, underground cables also result in significant heat emission to the surrounding soil. The potential impacts on plant growth and yield through alternative construction measures and possible thermal losses have not been investigated into detail so far. The aim of the project is to collect and evaluate field data for the impact of underground cable routes on agricultural soils and crops. The overall objectives fit into the scientific, economic, social and political goals for the expansion of renewable energies in Germany and provide a significant gain in knowledge, which can be transferred to other regions.
The aim of the research project CHARGE is to collect and evaluate statistically validated data on the impact of underground cable on agricultural soils and crops. To this end, four test trials will be set up on agricultural fields at representative soil locations of southern Germany and analyzed in terms of crop production. Within the field research, different methods for the construction of cable systems will be comparatively examined in their effect on changes in soil life, soil water, soil air balance and material cycles, including the resulting changes for the soil-plant interaction.
From a crop management perspective, the focus is on changes in the development, growth, and final yield of crop production.
The concrete project goals for the Working Group Cropping Systems and Modelling are:
- Demonstration and investigation of the agricultural utility of underground cable routes.
- Recording and evaluation of various influencing parameters that can significantly affect plant growth, plant development, yield and quality of the cultivated crops.
- Simulation of the collected crop data with the crop growth model for the transfer of the results to other regions and other scenarios, such as soil warming due to climate change or other underground cable projects.
Das Projekt CHARGE wird aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg gefördert.
Founding indicator: PTKA/KIT L 75 21101
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 28.02.2025
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck, Dr. Joachim Ingwersen, Jonas Trenz, Alexander Schade, Dr. Andreas Lehmann
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim: Working Group Cropping Systems and Modelling 340 AG
Faculty of Soil Geophysics 310 d
TransnetBW: practical construction work
Carrots are the most important field vegetables in German agriculture and the proportion of organic carrots is above average at 20 %. Carrots are sold all year round as fresh and stored goods and as processed products, respectively. Carrot juice is one of the most important processed products. The overall objective of the project is to comprehensively describe and improve the quality of organic carrots as fresh products and processed into carrot juice. Influence of variety, cropping site, processing method and juice’ storage on the quality of the end product will be investigated. Well-being, premium taste and positive health effects are important purchasing motives for consumers of organic products. In the project, the quality criteria demanded by consumers will be taken into account by applying various complementary research methods. A further goal of the project is to further develop the method of copper chloride crystallisation, which is used to investigate food quality, and to investigate the mechanism of action using marker substances.
Organically bred, open-pollinated carrot processing varieties are compared with conventional reference varieties regarding agronomy and quality over two years in two-site field trials. In addition the varieties are cultivated on a certified organically managed farm for industrial juice processing. In the first year of the project (2020), the participating industrial partner processes all varieties for juice by standard practice. In the second year of the project, the focus will be on the comparison of different intensive pressing processes (gentle, practical, heavy-duty) and the storage of juice in tanks and bottles. In 2021/22 both experimental questions (pressing method, juice storage) are tested on a reduced range of varieties. Extensive quality tests will be carried out on fresh carrots from trial and large-scale cropping as well as on juice samples from the various processing methods and tank/bottle storage. The health value is determined by classical analyses of the ingredients. Sensory tests provide information about the taste. By means of copper chloride crystallization, comparative conclusions are drawn about the “holistic quality”. And the EmpathicFoodTest is used to test food-induced emotions. Recommendations for practical action are derived from the combined and evaluated results.
Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
Funding indicator: 2819OE079
Duration: 01.06.2020 - 31.04.2024
Involved persons:
M.Sc. Marlene Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Michael Fleck
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Kultursaat e.V.
Center for Organic Farming University of Hohenheim (ZÖLUH)
The areas available for agriculture are limited and decrease drastically due to soil erosion or salinity. With the effects of climate change, the risk of crop failure due to extreme weather events such as flooding and droughts increases. The currenct conventional agricultural production got into the center of consideration as one of the main causes of climate change, not only because oft he considerable greenhouse gas emissions but also due to its high consumption of resources and land.
But in fact, agricultural production has a great potential with regard to climate protection and food security. Currently, a change in the usual plant architecture is being discussed as an alternative strategy to reduce the use of pesticides in cultivation systems. Particullary in the case of maize and soybean cultivation systems, tie-sowing may have positive effects, such as lower soil erosion or higher water retention capacity. In addition, weed development is suppressed by earlier leaf crown closure. The extent of weed suppression is largely determined by the plant geometry and the architecture of the growing variety. Depending on the variety, different phenotypes develop in response to the plant geometry. The main goal of the project is therefore to investigate whether and how changes in the leaf architecture of silage maize and soybeans through tie sowing contribute to the suppression of weeds in NOcsPS cultivation systems. The effects on morphology, physiology and phenology of both cultures and varieties are examined.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.05.2020 - 30.04.2028
Involved persons: Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Sebastian Munz, M.Sc. Dina Otto
Involved institutions: Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Link: Agrarsysteme der Zukunft
DiWenkLa - Sub-project 9 - covers the use of model-based decision support tools for the assessment of N-fertilization practice.
The fragmented nature of agriculture in southwest Germany (small farms) makes the introduction of the smart farming technologies difficult, due to higher initial costs. For these farm systems, the availability of low cost digital decision-making support is highly relevant, in order to provide crop-specific and timely recommendations for fertilizer management in accordance with existing regulations based on yield and harvested crop quality expectations. The aim of the sub-project is the conception of an interdisciplinary approach, which involves a comprehensive amount of information and decision system applicable in practice, taking into the account the variability of biotic and abiotic factors, for specific fields.
Collection of field- and plant-specific data from different farms; Integration of field- and plant-specific information into the crop model environment; Investigation of field-specific N-fertilization application rates in the context of conventional agricultural practice; Coupling of satellite-based and sensor-/drone based information about plant development during the season to obtain accurate model-based yield predictions based on different N-fertilization application rates.
Integration of weekly satellite image based vegetation progress index into crop model; Investigation of yield variability in the field and the causes of variability (model-based soil characterization - the goal is to develop a problem-based software solution for this task); Investigation of the potential influence of split N application rates to achieve higher yields; Extension of the field-scale N fertilization recommendations to site-specific application units (spatial variability N management potential); Development of optimization tools to calculate field and site specific N application rates with economic optimization (Cost minimization).
Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft,
Ministerium für Landlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz
Funding indicator: 28DE106A18
Duration: 02.03.20 - 28.05.2025
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Emir Memic
Involved institutions:
340 AG
The aim of the Bio-Fiber project is to develop bio-based, functional fiber composite materials and natural fiber/biopolymer granulates in the form of filaments and semi-finished products for 3D printing from winter hemp grown in Baden-Württemberg. The aim is to increase the area under winter hemp cultivation and the availability of raw materials for the relevant industries and to open up market potential by creating new application possibilities for hemp fibers. The cultivation system for winter hemp in Baden-Württemberg is being tested and developed with the involvement of accompanying scientific research. For this purpose, field trials are carried out at the University of Hohenheim and specific research questions such as variety selection, sowing date, row spacing, harvest date, C storage and their influence on the resulting fiber quality are investigated. Innovative spectral measurement methods based on Raman imaging technologies are being developed to determine fiber quality non-destructively at different points in the process chain. To influence the fiber quality under humid harvest conditions in winter, a heat pump controlled, energy efficient drying process is being developed, which influences the fiber quality according to the technological requirements of the processing industry. The fibers obtained are to be used to produce a biocomposite material that enables the environmentally friendly and competitive production of, for example, lightweight material profiles. In the field of biopolymers, the project focuses on the development of natural fiber-reinforced bio-based granulates from winter hemp fibers for industrial application in 3D printing, which opens up greater flexibility in design, raw material application and final field of application from medical technology to the automotive industry. Market demand and technological requirements will be clarified in direct exchange with processors and end-product manufacturers and finally made available to the actors in the value chain.
Bioeconomy Innovation and Investment Programme for Rural Areas (BIPL BW)
Ministry for Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2024
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M.Sc. Florian Thibaut
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim - Institute of Crop Sciences 340A - Department Agronomy
German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf
Dipl. Ing. Brecht GmbH Wannenweil
Process & Drying GmbH Leutkirch
An important goal in cannabis cultivation is, in addition to high yields, to generate uniform plants of appropriate pharmaceutical quality. As with all biological systems, the characteristic expression (phenotype) and thus the quality characteristics of the plant depend, besides the genotype factor, on environmental parameters. Essential environmental factors, that influence plant growth, are: light quantity, light quality, duration of illumination (photoperiod), growing medium, supply of water and nutrients, CO2 concentration in the air, temperature and humidity. Up to now, these influences have been controlled independently of each other and are based on the experience of the producers, which does not immediately ensure consistent, standardized quality from batch to batch. In order to meet the legal requirements in cannabis production, producers must design their production systems in such a way that the production of a standardized raw material can be guaranteed through the use of appropriate technologies and processes.
The aim of the present project is to develop a process using innovative substrate and phytomonitoring technology, which enables the necessary holistic control of the growth of cannabis under controlled conditions to obtain a standardized raw material for medical end products. The chosen approach for the necessary control of the growth and development conditions focuses on the best possible water and nutrient supply and, consequently, on the highest possible automation of these relevant input factors for the growth of cannabis. This includes the development of innovative growing media for cannabis, which are adapted to the varying requirements of the plant in the different stages of development. At the same time, a plant-soil monitoring unit is to be developed that monitors the current state of the plant at all times, from which recommendations for action for the producer can be derived with regard to the adaptation of environmental factors. The data obtained are used to create a process-oriented plant growth model for cannabis, which can describe and predict the reaction of the plant to changed environmental parameters.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 30.11..2023
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M.Sc. Achim Präger, M.Sc. Torsten Schober
Involved institutions:
Working Group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Klasmann - Deilmann GmbH
STEP Systems GmbH
The project aims at establishing and evaluating buckwheat cultivation in agricultural practice through on-farm trials involving farmers directly. On-farm trials will be conducted in different growing regions in Baden-Württemberg to record the diversity of pollinators and other beneficial insects in buckwheat stands thus the contribution to biodiversity in interaction with the respective management and environmental conditions will be determined. To establish the on-farm trials, various farmers at different locations in Baden-Württemberg will participate in the trials for two years. The selection, and coordination of the cultivation will be carried out in close cooperation with the LBV Schrozberg. The diversity and abundance of insects will be recorded at regular intervals during the flowering phase in the planned two years of the trial. In this context, a cooperation with the Julius Kühn-Institut (Head of the Department of Beneficial Insects & Functional Biodiversity) and the Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa) of the University of Hohenheim is planned. On the other hand, management data as well as data on yield and grain quality are collected and evaluated in the on-farm trials and in the scientific exact trial by the University of Hohenheim, in order to determine the criteria for subsequent processing into baked goods (LBV Schrozberg) by laboratory analysis. Through the existing network of farmers, processors, bakeries and EDEKA, LBV has an excellent basis to establish a consistent regional value chain. This will also allow for testing the labeling of regionally and "biodiversity-friendly" products and their acceptance by the public.
Ministry for Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR)
Funding indicator: 1212-8830.82-01
Duration: 01.12.2022 - 30.11.2024
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Meylin Terrel Gutierrez, Dr. Samantha Jo Grimes
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim - Institute of Crop Sciences 340A - Department Agronomy
LBV - Raiffeisen e.G. - Schrozberg
Julius-Kühn-Institut, Institute for Biological Control, Department of Beneficial Insects & Functional Biodiversity
Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa)
Hemp is a prime example of a "multipurpose plant" and is ideally suited for a sustainable circular economy in the context of the bioeconomy due to its versatility and the possibility of using the whole plant (grains, leaves, flowers, stems, roots). Hemp has been cultivated for centuries in Germany for fibre, food, oil production and as a medicinal product. Interest in hemp for a range of industrial applications has increased in recent years due to the superior quality of its fibres in a number of industrial applications. In addition to fibre, hemp also provides high quality seeds and phytocannabinoids with developing markets for oils and vegetable proteins. These processes generate a number of by-products that have not been recycled to date.
Aim of MULTIHEMP is to use hemp and by-products of hemp fibre production as feedstock in the context of a biorefinery. The project goal includes an agricultural biorefinery that converts locally produced biomass into platform chemicals, lignin, cellulose, phytocannabinoids, oils and proteins, demonstrating the full-scale use of the hemp plant. Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), furfural (Fu) and lignin can be produced from the lignocellulose-rich material obtained. HMF can be used to produce polyesters such as PEF (polyethylene dicarboxyfuranoate) for packaging or fibres. HMF itself, like Fu, can serve as a substitute for formaldehyde in resins, e.g. for chipboard, polyamides such as nylon 6 and nylon 6,6, or as an additive in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Lignin can be added to resins as a filler material, or can be split into phenols to become components of resins themselves. Another application is the conversion into high-quality carbon materials for electrodes and supercapacitors. The processes for the processing and extraction of cellulose lignin using microwave technology and the extraction of platform chemicals using biorefinery, including the necessary analytical methods, are to be developed and optimised. The platform chemicals obtained will be used to develop and produce thermoplastic biopolymers, which will be further developed into fibre-reinforced/fibre-based materials. From these biopolymer materials, new biobased, degradable materials can be obtained for various end applications. For this purpose, the processing data and parameters for the production of the new materials are recorded and used for process optimisation. The industrial upscaling of the developed methods and materials can be demonstrated by the participating companies as well as by the pilot plant available at the University of Hohenheim. It is expected that the developed materials will show a significantly improved ecological footprint compared to conventional materials, as regional raw materials and by-products from hemp are obtained and used.
Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.12.2021 - 30.06.2024
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Lisa Burgel
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling (340AG), Institute of Crop Science 340
The aim of the project is that scientists together with producers, manufacturers and traders develop the cultivation potential of chickpeas in Baden-Württemberg. The idea is to increase the area under cultivation and the market supply of regionally produced protein-rich plant products and to open up a new market potential. Together with scientific research, cultivation systems for chickpeas are being developed in various agricultural pilot farms in Baden-Württemberg. For this purpose, on-farm trials will be carried out at various pedo-climatic locations on farms as well as experimental trials at the University of Hohenheim and specific topics such as cultivar selection, sowing date, seed germination rate, rhizobia inoculation, maturity, weed and disease management will be investigated. Furthermore, previous cultivation experiences with chickpeas in Germany and other countries will be collected, documented and the transferability to Baden-Württemberg conditions will be assessed. Other objective is to clarify questions regarding the necessary breeding adaptation of chickpea cultivars available to date, as well as further processing (drying, preparation and suitability of the variety for various end products). Market demand and quality requirements along the value chain will be clarified in direct exchange between manufacturers and traders, and subsequently provided to other stakeholders in the value chain.
Ministry for Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.07.2022 - 31.12.2024
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Volker Hahn, Dr. Meylin Terrel Gutierrez
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling (340AG), Institute of Crop Science 340
LBV - Raiffeisen e.G. – Schrozberg
Föhr Event Hangar RV GmbH
Nothwang GmbH & Co. KG
Edeka Südwest Handelsgesellschaft Südwest mbh
Chickpea project receives the FAIRE Partner 2023 award and achieves 1st place in the category "Alternative Concepts". The award recognises the outstanding achievements of the partnership cooperation between LBV, farmers, processors, marketers and accompanying scientific research.
Article "Erfolgreich mit Kichererbsen" TopAgrar 10/2023
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Completed Projects
The increasing world population and urbanization as well as the growing income level lead to an increasing global demand for meat and animal food. However, current dietary habits are considered unhealthy and production patterns unsustainable. A global dietary shift with an increase in the intake of plant-based foods instead of animal-based foods is seen as key to improving human as well as planetary health. The overall goal of TASTINO is to develop innovative processes and technologies for the production of protein-rich, healthy foods from regionally grown hemp. As part of this project, innovative foods based on hemp protein will be developed in collaboration with farmers, regional processors, representatives of the catering industry and food retailers (LEH) in Baden-Württemberg and made available to end consumers as regional products in the retail sector. The market for meat substitute products is still relatively small, but will grow strongly in the future. Europe leads the meat substitute products market globally, with a 40% share of the total market, which is forecast to reach €2.4 billion by 2025. While tofu, tempeh, seitan textured vegetable proteins are typical meat substitute products on the market, hemp protein is characterized by a desirable, chewy, meat-like texture. Hemp proteins are several types of proteins found in the hemp plant that have a high biological value and are composed of 23 essential amino acids. Unlike meat-substitutes made from imported soybeans, hemp protein-based meat-substitutes allow the sustainable benefits of plant-based products to be fully realized. Therefore, TASTINO contributes to meeting the strong demand for high-quality, protein-based, regionally produced food, developing sustainable nutrition concepts, increasing the self-sufficiency of the population in Baden-Württemberg, and creating sustainable jobs in the field of agriculture and food production along the value chain in various sectors.
Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR)
Funding indicator: BWIN 110032
Duration: 01.07.2021 - 31.12.2022
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Cinzia Piatti, Dr. Forough Khajehei
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling (340AG), Institute of Crop Science 340
Signature Products GmbH
Article: Alternatives Lebensmittel? Hanf: Regionales Superfood und wertvolle Proteinquelle - Bioökonomie BW
GENCAN – Development of an indoor-cropping system and a nanoformulation for a CANnabis GENotype
In Germany, up to 5% of the population suffers from neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is conventionally treated with the use of antidepressants and anticonvulsants. In this sense, Cannabis Sativa L. could be used as an effective alternative for patients with neuropathic pain. However, cannabis pharmaceuticals for the indication of neuropathic pain is still not approved in Germany. Thus, in order to generate the raw material necessary for the medicament development, it is paramount to further understand the causal relationships between a plant genetic and an indoor cultivation system to achieve the required CBD-rich raw material output. Hereby, it is among others, necessary to standardize the fluctuating content of the main active components of the cannabis plant (THC, CBD) and other cannabinoids in the genetics available to date, and to clarify the interactions between genetics and environmental factors with regard to cannabinoid levels.
Funding: ZIM – German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Funding indicator: 16KN089622
Duration: 01.12.2019 - 31.10.2022
Involved persons: M. Sc. Danilo Crispim Massuela, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger
Involved institutions: Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Plant based pharmaceuticals have been consumed as fresh, dried or processed plants. The end result is a plant derived or synthetically produced active ingredient for curing ailments. The quality and stability of these active ingredients is critical for correct and safe dosage of the medicine. This is a challenge as plants are impacted strongly by their growing environment. This project focuses on improving the use of cannabis as a plant raw material for high end pharmaceutical products. The technical challenges to be solved are related to the light spectrum (the colour of light), light distribution, longevity, stability of light was well as to finding cannabis varieties, which yield a high level of the desired active ingredients for the pharmaceutical end product
The aim of the project is to develop an LST (low stress training) method that increases the terpene level in the plant material while at the same a high CBD content is ensured.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.09.2023
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Philipp Reichel
Involved institutions:
Working Group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Cannabis sativa L. is one of the oldest crops used as fiber, nutrition and as therapeutic and recreational drug. Cannabis is known for its psychoactive compound THC, but therapeutic potential of medical cannabis (THC < 0.2%) is much more diverse due to non-psychoactive compounds such as cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. The term ‘entourage effect’ refers to the therapeutic effect due to the interaction of these substances, which act synergistically instead of a single compound.
This project aims to develop and optimize a selection scheme for the selection of genotypes based on the entourage effect for the treatment of insomnia, depression, anorexia and muscle pain. Currently, breeding schemes in medical Cannabis research are mostly focused on selection of individual cannabinoids. However, the combination of different compounds for final medical efficacy can lead to unique outcomes. The breeding lines selected in relation to entourage effect of medical Cannabis are currently unexplored, furthermore there are limited studies available about the application of entourage effect in neuropathic diseases.
Funding: ZIM – German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Funding indicator: 16KN089621
Duration: 12.2019 - 10.2022
Involved persons: M. Sc.Hamza Rafiq, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger
Involved institutions: Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
A plant-based diet can make a significant contribution to achieving climate targets. In Germany, however, the cultivation of protein-rich crops has lost much of its importance in recent decades. As a result, knowledge of production technology, availability of varieties, and specific preparation and processing methods have dwindled. Despite increasing demand for regionally grown vegetable proteins, the upward trend in recent years has been concentrated on a few crops. Other interesting crops that could provide high-quality vegetable protein are currently not in the focus of cultivation due to a lack of experience and the associated risks.
In the EAT-PROTEIN project, recommendations for action, concepts and training materials are being developed for the cultivation and use of protein-rich crop species in Baden-Württemberg. The focus crops are divided into two categories, with the first category consisting of crops that serve as a pure protein source, including soybeans, chickpeas, lentils and lupins. The second category consists of crops that will serve as both a protein and oil source, including hemp, sunflower, chia and flaxseed. Farmers, processors, supermarkets and end users will be approached to identify and overcome existing hurdles and challenges. LBV Schrozberg and the Baden-Württemberg section of the German Nutrition Society are involved as practice partners.
Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.12.2021 - 31.03.2023
Involved persons:
M.Sc. Khadijeh Yasaminshirazi, Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Sabine Zikeli, Dr. Volker Hahn
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling (340AG), Institute of Crop Science 340
State Plant Breeding Institute (720)
Center for Organic Farming (309)
Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg
Amaranth grains fulfill the criteria of gluten free and harbour a valuable oil composed of a balanced mix of unsaturated fatty acids. Of special nutritional interest is the Omega 3-fatty acid DHA, which is produced by algae and fungi, but only by few plants. DHA is essential for humans, and has to be taken up through the food chain. Currently, amaranth is hardly cultivated in Germany, and commercial sources originate from Latin America/ Peru with variable and undefined quality and identity. The unique properties of amaranth open perspectives as sources of functional foods, meeting consumer demands in favour of nutritious and healthy products. However, out of ~3000 amaranth accessions in Peru, only major agronomic traits (e.g. yield, growing period) have been assessed and information on their nutritional benefits is largely missing.
This project strives to develop the potential of amaranth as commercial source for functional foods by exploitation of genetic resources and development of suitable oil extraction and stabilization technologies. Partial objectives are to i) characterize the genetic diversity of amaranth to identify promising genotypes with high DHA levels and excellent nutritional profiles, ii) develop molecular markers for marker-assisted breeding, iii) cultivate promising genotypes in field trials evaluating the impact of management and environment on fatty acids and grain quality iv) tailor the oil extraction processes with respect to yield, quality, and stability besides increasing the oil stability with edible oils to increase shelf life.
The identification of promising amaranth varieties in terms of their functional properties can help food manufacturers to open up markets with future potential. Optimal processing of amaranth grains and oils can help to create high-quality oils and raw materials as the basis for efficient food production processes. Overall the project will improve the application of amaranth as high value ingredient and contribute to expand its consumption. Plant breeders can improve their breeding programs towards cultivars with a shorter time to market and improved properties as functional foods. This will help production chain managers to advice farmers in growing amaranth cultivars demanded by the industry.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
German Federation of Industrial Research Associations-AiF
Ministry of Production of Peru-Innovate Peru
Funding indicator: 62402/006-01#267
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 30.04.2022
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Meylin Terrel Gutierrez, Prof. Dr. Peter Nick, Dr. Adnan Kanbar, Dr. Aquilino Alvarez
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco
KIT-Website Amarantprojekt (AMOR)
Press releases:
Collective Research Networking (CORNET)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen "Otto von Guericke" e.V. (AiF)
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) originates from the Central Asian steppes and was first cultivated around 1000 BC in today's territory of Ukraine. Buckwheat is one of the most promising plant species that could be suitable for cultivation in southwest Germany and, given appropriate variety available, is suitable for double cropping systems or as an intercropping partner. Since buckwheat develops very quickly, it can be harvested in September and winter crops can be sown as a follow-up crop. In addition, buckwheat provides valuable nectar for pollinators and attracts beneficial insects, thus significantly increasing their diversity in agriculture. Late flowering is particularly important in providing food sources for insects at a time when most other crops are already withered.
The project aims at the development of a cultivation system for buckwheat, as well as variety screening and the acquisition of basic knowledge about breeding, which are varieties appropriate to the climatic conditions of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Different sowing dates and nitrogen fertilisation variants and their effect on agronomic parameters such as yield, crop growth, flowering period, lodging resistance as well as quality characteristics such as grain shape and size and chemical composition will be determined. In addition, a double-cropping system with other late-flowering small-grain seeds (chia, sesame, cumin, flax, poppy) will be developed. Furthermore, the phenological development of the different buckwheat varieties will be studied and regular insect monitoring will provide important information on the abundance and diversity of pollinators.
Funding: Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg
Funding indicator: 212-8830.82-01
Duration: Februar 2020 - April 2022
Involved persons:
Dr. Olga Zaytseva, Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Prof. Dr. Friedrich Longin
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340, State Plant Breeding Institute 720
In December 2019, the EU heads of state and government agreed on the goal of a climate-neutral EU by 2050. Climate protection is thus a central element of the European Green Deal and will be one of the priorities during the German EU Council Presidency. Sector-specific action plans must support the necessary change in the areas of transport, agriculture, buildings, research and innovations, protection and restoration of biodiversity, air pollution control, circular economy and raw material supply. Hemp has enormous potential to actively accompany the economy in an ecologically sustainable way in accordance with the European Green Deal. The hemp plant has been cultivated for centuries in Germany for fiber, food, oil production and as a medicinal product. Due to its high potential for use in various industries (e.g. textile, paper, building materials, bioenergy, bioplastics, pharmaceuticals, vegetable oil, animal products, cosmetics, etc.), hemp is a prime example of a multifunctional crop. Due to its versatility and the possible 100% recycling (grains, leaves, flowers, stem), hemp is ideally suited for the circular economy.
Aim of the THINK project is to analyze and evaluate the potential of hemp under the aspects of the bioeconomy strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg in the form of a feasibility study. The feasibility study provides the basis for a comprehensive research approach that takes up the identified innovation potentials and translates them into a funding application. The evaluation of the utilization potential of hemp results in consumer-oriented product innovations along the food as well as in the pharmaceutical value chain.
Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR)
Funding indicator:
Duration: 01.12.2020 - 31.08.2021
Involves persons:
Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M.Sc. Lisa Burgel
Involved institutions:
University of Hohenheim: Working Group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Multi-talented beetroot - Using the genetic diversity of different beetroot varieties as well as different cultivation methods to achieve health-promoting food products under the conditions of organic farming
The term "superfoods", which also includes beetroot, is generally used to describe foods that have a higher health benefit than other foods due to their composition of ingredients. Beetroot is considered a very healthy vegetable due to its content of numerous compounds such as folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium and various secondary plant compounds.
It is known from various studies that there are significant differences in the composition and content of health-promoting compounds. The potential of breeding lines and varieties of beetroot in terms of their content of various nutritionally relevant compounds is currently unexplored or unused. In addition, there is little knowledge about the extent to which the compounds could be specifically influenced by the cultivation system (e.g. fertilizer level and type), especially under organic farming conditions.
The overall objective of the project is to investigate how a) variety, b) N-fertilisation level and c) N-fertilisation type in organic farming affect health-promoting compounds in beetroot. All varieties which are being investigated within the framework of the project belong to the group of open-pollinated varieties, which, in contrast to hybrids, allow direct on-farm conservation and further development, because the reproduction does not result in highly disruptive populations. The production of beetroot with the additional characteristic of high contents of health-promoting, bioactive compounds opens another marketing niche for organic farming. However, the relationship between the formation of secondary, bioactive compounds and the N-fertilizers that can be used in organic farming as well as the interaction between variety and N-fertilizer level has not been clarified. Furthermore, a high content of bioactive ingredients could also be correlated with negative taste properties and therefore, despite its health-promoting potential, might not be accepted by consumers. The project starts at this point and tries to close this gap.
Funding: Stoll VITA Stiftung
Duration: 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2021
Involved persons: Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M.Sc. Khadijeh Yasaminshirazi
Involved institutions: Department of Agronomy, Institute of Crop Science, Cropping Systems and Modelling 340
Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures (ReMIX)
Mischanbausysteme, auch Mischkulturen oder Gemenge genannt, können von sich aus zur Kontrolle von Schädlingen, Krankheiten und zur Unkrautunterdrückung beitragen. Sie können Wachstumsfaktoren wie Nährstoffe, Licht oder den Raum in der Regel effizienter nutzen, stabilere Erträge als Reinkulturen erreichen und gleichzeitig die Flächenproduktivität steigern. Sie können widerstandsfähiger auf biotische und abiotische Stressfaktoren, beispielsweise bedingt durch den Klimawandel, reagieren. Außerdem können durch ihren Anbau der Einsatz fossiler Energie und von Chemikalien verringern und wertvolle Ökosystemdienstleistungen gewonnen werden. Die Vielfalt von Mischanbausystemen kann dazu beitragen, einerseits die Ernährung einer wachsenden Weltbevölkerung zu gewährleisten – und andererseits die Auswirkungen der gängigen landwirtschaftlichen Praxis auf die Umwelt zu vermindern.
Dennoch gibt es nach wie vor auch Herausforderungen bei der Etablierung von Mischanbausystemen in der Praxis, beispielsweise bei der Auswahl geeigneter Sortenkombinationen, bei der Kulturführung und bei fehlenden lokalen Absatzmöglichkeiten. Im Zuge der rationalisierten Landwirtschaft erfuhren solche Systeme in Europa einen deutlichen Flächenrückgang. Seit wenigen Jahren gibt es regional wieder einen Aufwärtstrend, beispielsweise bei Leguminosen-Getreide-Mischungen.
Innerhalb des europaweiten ReMIX-Projekts beschäftigt sich dieser Projektteil mit der Frage, wie sich Getreide-Leguminosen-Mischanbausysteme an heterogene Umweltfaktoren anpassen. Das Prinzip „Ecological Precision Farming“ beschreibt, dass sich Einzelpflanzen im Mischanbau auf natürliche Weise sehr klein-räumig an eine gegebene Heterogenität anpassen können. Freilandversuche mit Mischungen von Hafer und Erbse kombinieren Feldmessungen und drohnengesteuerte Kameraaufnahmen.
Daneben wird die Leistungsfähigkeit von Artenmischungen unter dem Einfluss von Faktoren des Klimawandels (Dürre, erhöhte Temperatur, CO2) mithilfe prozess-orientierter Wachstumsmodelle bestimmt. Ziel ist es, das Anpassungspotenzial von Artenmischungen zu erkunden und sie widerstandsfähiger zu machen gegenüber dem Klimawandel.
Förderer: EU Horizon 2020
Förderkennzeichen: 727217
Laufzeit: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2021
Beteiligte Personen:
M.Sc. Julian Zachmann, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. sc. agr. Sebastian Munz
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften
Land‐Atmosphäre Feedback Observatorium (LAFO)
ie zeitlich-räumliche Verteilung von Wolken und Niederschlag sind sehr wichtige Größen zur Charakterisierung von Wetter und Klima. Dennoch ist ihre Vorhersage nach wie vor schwierig. Genauere Wettervorhersage- und Klimamodelle sind gesellschaftlich und wirtschaftlich höchst relevant, z.B. für die Simulation extremer Ereignisse (Dürren, extreme Niederschläge) und eine genauere Vorwarnung.
Das Land-Atmosphäre Feedback Observatorium (LAFO) an der Universität Hohenheim führt neuartige Sensoren zusammen, um u.a. Darstellungen der Transpiration von Pflanzen und der Turbulenz in der unteren Atmosphäre in bisher unerreichter Genauigkeit zu ermöglichen und dadurch Simulationen von Wolken und Niederschlag in Wetter- und Klimamodellen maßgeblich zu verbessern.
Es ist geplant, in das LAFO künftig auch ein Xerodrom zu integrieren. Das Xerodrom soll den Anbau von Kulturpflanzen im Feld unter realistischen Dürrebedingungen ermöglichen – unabhängig von der Umgebung
Förderer: Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung
Laufzeit: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020
Beteiligte Personen:
Dr. rer. nat. Florian Späth, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Volker Wulfmeyer, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Streck, Dr. rer. nat. Andrea Riede, Dr. rer. nat. Shravan Muppa, Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller, M.Sc. Simon Metzendorf, Dr. rer. nat. Diego Lange Alicia Kolmans, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Fangmeier, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein, Carolin Callenius, Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Behrendt, apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Würschum
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Land-Atmosphäre-Rückkopplungen, Klimaschutz Institut für Physik und Meteorologie, Forschungszentrum für Globale Ernährungssicherung und Ökosysteme, Fg. Pflanzenökologie und Ökotoxikologie, Fg. Biogeophysik, Fg. Allgemeiner Pflanzenbau, Fg. Agrartechnik in den Tropen und Subtropen, Bioökonomische Modellierung, Auswirkungen von Trockenstress, Landessaatzuchtanstalt
The overall goal of the project is the development of open pollinating zucchini cultivars based on the traditional breeding method of a single plant selection process. The major breeding goals will consider agronomic parameters, GxE interactions, and organoleptic attributes associated with volatile and non-volatile compounds.
Different breeding lines will be evaluated for their agronomic parameters like yield, size etc. and the amount of volatile and non-volatile compounds based on experimental field trials carried out at pedoclimatic different locations by the partners Kultursaat and University of Hohenheim. The interaction of determined compounds with organoleptic properties will be determined by sensory tests. Effects of GxE on yield and volatile/non-volatile compounds will be analyzed. The determined characteristic will be fed-back into the breeding process. The project will come up with a clear recommendation of possible zucchini breeding lines/ cultivars indicating a high potential for quality and sensory attributes.
Funding: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung
Funding indicator: 2818209315
Duration: 01.03.2017 - 31.10.2020
Involved persons:
M.Sc. Elisabeth Abele, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. agr. Sabine Zikeli,
Involved institutions:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften, Center for Organic Farming University of Hohenheim (ZÖLUH), Kultursaat e.V., BioTeSys
Glucomannans belong to the group of polysaccharides and are used in Germany and Europe as additives in foods and various medical and cosmetic product. Glucomannans carry the European approval number E 425 and are listed in the functional classes of thickeners, emulsifiers, fillers and gelling agents.
Glucomannan is primarily derived from the konjac plant (Amorphophallus konjac). At present, Konjac tubers are mainly used for the production of glucomannans. For Germany and Europe, the commercial cultivation conditions of Konjac are largely unclear. Essential questions concerning the cultivation method (crop density, harvest times, wintering / frost hardness, handling of rhizome runners) as well as the choice of shading (intercropping with other plants, e.g. maize) and the required intensity of shading (shading nets) to promote Glucomannan formation are unclear and open. Therefore, the aim of this project is the development of a field cultivation method with shading for the konjac plants. Moreover, the extraction and purification of glucomannan from konjac tubers and examining different matrix formulations for the production and use of glucomannans from Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) in different food products are the other objectives of this project.
Sponsor/Funding: BMWi, Managment Agency VDI/VDE
Förderkennzeichen: 16KN075623
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 31.05.2021
Involved persons: Dr. Forough Khajehei , Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger,
Beteiligte Einrichtunge: Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340, AcanChia UG & Co. KG
Development of a cultivation and production process for hemp plant extracts as well as a target-oriented active substance transport system for the inhibition of inflammation with focus on joint diseases
Due to the prohibition of cultivation in many European countries for years, the medicinal potential of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) could not be fully researched and exploited. The antispasmodic and analgesic effect is attributed to the secondary metabolites, the cannabinoids, which are found in the hemp plant. The focus of the project is not the psychoactive THC (∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol), but the medical potential of cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG), as well as terpenes and flavonoids. Since the amendment of the law in March 2017, the demand for cannabis-based drugs has been continuously increasing. Since indoor cultivation is enormously cost-intensive, the project is investigating the extraction of raw materials from Cannabis varieties (THC content <0.2%), which have a higher yield through better land use. The aim of the project is to develop an outdoor hemp cultivation system for targeted raw material production for plant extracts, which can be used for the production of nutraceuticals or phytopharmaceuticals. The current hemp cultivation system refers exclusively to grain and fibre production. For a significant increase of the valuable, bioactive ingredients in the Cannabis plant, especially the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, a specially adapted cultivation system is required, in which the mechanisms of action have to be precisely coordinated. The following objectives are envisaged:
- Selection of suitable Cannabis varieties with a THC content of less than 0.2%, but with the highest possible content of terpenes and flavonoids, as well as non-psychoactive cannabinoids, such as CBD and CBG
- Development of a hemp cultivation system to achieve the best possible raw material quality as a basis for the plant extract (large number of flowers, uniform exposure of the harvesting organs, low growth height)
- Development of the optimal sowing and harvesting time depending on the content of ingredients (different groups of substances) and development of a plant-rearing system by stretching nets and grids over the hemp stand (increase of the number of buds by even exposure of the plants; better harvesting conditions, by uniform plant height and homogeneous plant development)
- Development of a suitable drying method to preserve the partly volatile compounds in the harvested raw material
Funding: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Projektträger des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie
Funding indicator: 16KN050543
Duration: 01.03.2018 - 28.02.2021
Involved persons: Lisa Burgel, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger
Involved institutions: Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
The overall goal of the project is the development of open pollinating red beet cultivars based on the traditional breeding method of a single plant selection process. The major breeding goals will focus on the adaptation of the cultivars to organic cropping conditions, a high N uptake and use efficiency, high amounts of betanin, high juice yield and an increased content of secondary metabolites as well as iron and nitrate while maintaining at the same time good sensory and textural properties of the red beets. Different breeding lines will be tested for their agronomic parameters: disease resistance, peel, uniformity, yield, size and form of roots, shelf life, organoleptic properties, different metabolic compounds like sugar, nitrate, betanin, iron etc. based on an experimental field trials carried out at pedoclimatic different locations by the partners Kultursaat, Universtiy of Hohenheim and Hofgemeinschaft Heggelbach. The breeding lines will be evaluated in cooperation with the industrial partners of the project for their relevant technological parameters and characteristics for new and further specific utilizations. The determined characteristic will be fed-back into the breeding process. The project will come up with a clear recommendation of possible breeding lines/ cultivars for the intended different utilization purposes.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany
Funding indication: 2818201015
Duration: 01.03.2017 - 31.08.2020
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. agr. Sabine Zikeli, M.Sc. Khadijeh Yasaminshirazi, M.Sc. Michael Fleck; Dr. Andreas Klingenberg
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Center for Organic Farming of the University of Hohenheim
Kultursaat e.V.
Sensient Colors Europe GmbH
Due to the intensification of using biomass for energy purposes the cultivation of energy crops has gained considerable importance in recent years. Particularly in the context of biogas production, the demand for biogas substrate has grown continuously as a result of the steadily increasing number of biogas plants. Currently, this demand is almost exclusively covered by maize. However, the focus of agricultural practice on maize involves the risk that already existing negative impacts caused by intensive agricultural production, will increase. These negative impacts include soil compaction, soil erosion, humus decomposition, nutrient leaching and the loss of biodiversity. An interesting energy crop, regarding biodiversity and the expected biogas (methane) yields, is represented by Cup Plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.). The perennial crop belonging to the family of Asteraceae originates from the North American prairie and has the potential to generate very high biomass yields. However, in the year of sowing, the cultivation of the crop shows its major disadvantage forming only rosettes wherefore the farmer does not achieve a yield on the arable land. In addition, the costs of establishing the crop are relatively high, as the main focus is currently on planting rather than sowing.
The aim of the project is the development of a suitable pelleting material and a new sowing technique that allows to establish three different crop species (intercropping cup plant, cover crop maize and undersowing) in one operation in the field in site-specific different row distances. This results in an efficient intercropping cultivation system with high yields in the case of cup plant from the second year onwards, while at the same time reducing yield loss and erosion during the year of establishment. In order to determine the necessary site-specific row spacing between the individual crops, a process-oriented plant growth model will be developed which, taking into account the competition for light in the crop, determines the row width and phenotype (growth type defined by growth height, leaf position, leaf area, vegetation period, etc.) of the cover crop (e.g. the maize plant). Only if the competition for light in the crop is minimized, the cover crop, cup plant and undersown crops can develop optimally and the total yield will be maximized.
Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Funding indicator: 16KN050538
Duration: 01.07.2017 - 31.06.2020
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. sc. Sebastian Munz, M.Sc. Laura Holland-Cunz, M.Sc. Achim Präger
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340
Energiepark Hahnennest GmbH & Co. KG
Development of a multispectral sensor for detection of nitrogen deficiency, drought stress and foliar diseases in winter wheat inclusively the deviation of a model based fertilizer strategy in real – time.
Agriculture is responsible for up to ten percent of all greenhouse gases emissions (CO2, HNO3 and CH4) increases the natural greenhouse effect. Besides livestock farming, large amounts of CO2 are released into the atmosphere during the production of nitrogen-containing fertilizers which can harm the environment by releasing N2O to atmosphere or leaching nitrate to groundwater from soil if the fertilizer is not uptaken by crops. Against this backdrop we have to improve the nitrogen fertilizer application in case of timing and spatial application under consideration of soil parameters. This approach can contribute a significant reduction in nitrogen excesses especially on heterogeneous areas.
The aim of this study is to determine the plant status by using a new multispectral sensor technique which is able to detect nitrogen status, water deficit and leaf disease (septoria titici). These plant parameters are used under soil- and environmental consideration to develop a model based algorithm for site specific nitrogen fertilization recommendation in real-time.
Funding: DBU - Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Funding number 33143/01
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 05.2020
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Georg Röll
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340, Hema electronics
Entwicklung eines Maca-Produktions- und Nachernteverfahrens basierend auf einem Kondensations-trocknungsverfahren mit Wärmepumpen-Technologie zur Anreicherung gesundheitsfördernder Inhaltsstoffe
Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón) ist eine zweijährige Pflanze aus der Familie Brassicaceae, die an die Wachstumsbedingungen in den Bergregionen Zentralperus angepasst ist. Maca wird von der einheimischen Bevölkerung seit zweitausend Jahren für den Konsum der Hypokotylknolle sowohl als Nahrung, als auch als traditionelle Medizin angebaut. Heute ist getrocknetes Macapulver das am weitesten verbreitete hergestellte kommerzielle Produktaus der Macaknolle. Der Trocknungsprozess ist ein entscheidender Verarbeitungsschritt nach der Ernte.Dabei wird der Nährstoffgehalt durch die Anreicherung bioaktiver Komponenten,wie Glucosinolate und Macamide,signifikant verbessert. Außerdem enthält Macapulver Protein und Aminosäuren.
Das Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Methode zum Anbau von Macaknollen im gemäßigten Klima Deutschlands, sowie die Untersuchung unterschiedlichern TrocknungstTemperaturen bzw. deren Auswirkung auf die Konzentrationen von gesundheitsfördernden Inhaltsstoffen. In den Jahren 2017 und 2018 wurden auf der pflanzenbaulichen Versuchsstation Ihinger Hof (Renningen, BW) gelbe und rote Macasorten angebaut. Die geernteten Macaknollen wurden mit Wärmepumpentechnologie bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen getrocknet. Die getrockneten Knollen wurden für die Charakterisierung bioaktiver Verbindungen mit analytischen Methoden fein gemahlen. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie liefern wichtige Informationen für die industrielle Herstellung von Macapulver bzw. verwandter Produkte mit erhöhtem Anteil bioaktiver Komponenten.
Förderer: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie(BMWi), Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
Förderkennzeichen: 16KN050531
Laufzeit: 01.12.2017 - 30.11.2019
Beteiligte Personen: Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Olga Zaytseva, Meylin Terrel Gutierrez, Markus Eberhart, Jochen Schumacher
Beteiligte Einrichtungen: Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften340, HARTER GmbH
Market research within the last years show that interest and demand for functional foods are growing continuously. Although the number of consumers diagnosed with gluten intolerance is increasing, cereals and pseudo-cereals still remain a major component of human nutrition. Consequently, gluten-free food products are becoming more important. Pseudo-cereals like amaranth has become a vital ingredient for the production of gluten-free breakfast cereals and is being processed in considerable quantities (6000 tons in 2014). Generally, pseudo-cereals like amaranth have a higher protein content than standard cereals and differ in their composition of essential amino acids such as lysine and threonine, which are more limited in cereals like wheat and oats. The objective of this project is to develop a process to control and regulate the production of grain amaranth under environmental conditions in Germany with consideration of the technical challenges to secure weed control, grain ripening, target final grain moisture content and other grain quality traits that improve the popping process. An additional objective is to develop a process-based mechanistic crop growth model for amaranth production.
Funding: ZIM – German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Funding indicator: 16KN050527
Duration: 01.06.2016 - 31.05.2019
Involved persons: Dr. sc. agr. Peteh Mehdi Nkebiwe, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger
Involved institutions: Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340, Desconpro® engineering gmbh
Modellbasierte, selbstlernende LED-Beleuchtungslösung, für die Pflanzenzucht und -forschung (MoLED-Plant)
Zielsetzung des vorliegenden Projektes ist, ein Verfahren unter Verwendung von innovativer LED-Technik zu entwickeln, welches die notwendige Zeitdauer der Züchtung neuer Soja-Sorten um 30 bis 50 Prozent reduzieren kann. Dadurch soll den Züchtern ein erheblicher Zeitgewinn in der Züchtung, bei gleichzeitiger Kostenreduzierung ermöglicht werden.
COMPLED entwickelt im Rahmen des Projektes ein selbstlernendes LED-Beleuchtungssystem einschließlich modellbasiertem Steuerungsansatz. Die Universität Hohenheim entwickelt im Rahmen des Projektes ein high-through-put-Single-Seed-Descent (hSSD) -System, welches die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Keimung unreifer Soja-Samen sowie die Steuerung der Wachstums- und Entwicklungsbedingungen zur Erzielung eines Pflanzenphänotyps umfasst, der die notwendige Zeit für die Entwicklung unreifen Samen minimiert. Darüber hinaus wird ein funktional-strukturelles Pflanzenwachstumsmodell auf Basis der GrolMP Software entwickelt, das den Einfluss der Variation der Beleuchtung auf die Steuerung des Wachstums und der Entwicklung berücksichtigt.
Förderkennzeichen: ZF4279901CR6
Laufzeit: 01.11.2016 - 30.04.2019
Beteiligte Personen:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Tina Hitz, M.Sc. Felix Jähne, Dr. sc. agr. Willmar L. Leiser, Dr. sc. agr. Sebastian Munz, Dipl. Kfm. Christoph Schubert, Dipl-Ing. Arne Lehmann, Dipl.-Ing. Josephine Stapel, M.Sc. Peter Urban
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften, LSA - Arbeitsgebiet Biotechnologie
Entwicklung eines Anbau- und Erntesystems auf Basis eines Parzellenmähdreschers für Saflorblütenfäden zur Farbstoffgewinnung
Entwicklung eines Anbau- und Erntesystems auf Basis eines Parzellenmähdreschers für Saflorblütenfäden zur Farbstoffgewinnung
Saflor (Carthamus tinctorius L.) wird in mehr als 15 Ländern zur Speiseölgewinnung angebaut. Für die Farbstoffgewinnung wird Saflor bisher lediglich in Asien und vereinzelt in der Türkei angebaut. Probleme mit den Blütenlieferungen aus Asien (Qualitätsprobleme, Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände und Lieferungsschwierigkeiten), die hohe Nachfrage nach natürlichen Farbstoffen der Lebensmittel- und Farbindustrie und geeignete Genotypen für den Anbau in Deutschland, machen einen regionalen Anbau von Saflor zur Gewinnung von Farbstoff zu einer interessanten Alternative. Bisherige Anbauverfahren für Saflor in Deutschland eignen sich für die Gewinnung von Speiseöl, sind jedoch weder für die Produktion von Blütenfäden noch für die Maximierung des Farbertrages pro Hektar ausgelegt. Die Gewinnung der Blütenfäden findet in anderen Ländern per Handernte statt. Da der Anbau von Saflorblütenfäden zur Gewinnung von Farbstoff in Deutschland wirtschftlich gestaltet werden soll, muss eine maschinelle Erntetechnologie entwickelt werden.
Zielsetzung des vorliegenden Projektes ist es daher ein Anbauverfahren für Saflor zur Farbstoffproduktion zu entwickeln, mit welchem ein maximaler Farbertrag bei gleichzeitig maschineller Ernte erzielt werden kann. Folgende Ziele sind dabei angedacht:
Entwicklung eines Anbauverfahrens zur Maximierung des Farbertrages mit Kombination verschiedener Sorten, Saatstärken, Reihenabständen und Erntezeitpunkten.
Entwicklung eines Erntesystems für Saflorblütenfäden auf Basis eines Parzellenmähdreschers mit folgenden Parametern:
- hohe Erntereinheit
- hoher Anteil an erfassten Blüten
- geringe Erntegutbeschädigung
- geringe Kosten
Förderer: Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
Förderkennzeichen: 16KN050530
Laufzeit: 01.10.2016 - 31.03.2019
Beteiligte Personen:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M. Sc. Kathrin Sterberl
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften, Zürn Harvesting GmbH & Co. KG
Smart Spraying - MartA
In der nationalen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Bundesregierung soll die Rohstoffproduktivität von 1994 bis 2020 verdoppelt werden. Eine Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz in der Landwirtschaft kann hierbei einen entscheidenden Beitrag leisten. Der automatisierte und bedarfsgerechte Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln trägt zur Effizienzsteigerung bei, indem sowohl die Menge an Pflanzenschutzmitteln als auch die CO2-Emissionen signifikant gesenkt werden. Durch den bedarfsgerechten Einsatz der Pflanzenschutzmittel werden außerdem sowohl die Biodiversität erhöht als auch eine potentielle Schädigung gesunder Kulturpflanzen und damit einhergehende Ertragseinbußen verhindert. Zusammen genommen wird hierdurch die Umweltbelastung reduziert und auch eine Kosten- und Zeitersparnis in der Landwirtschaft erreicht. Nebeneffekte der bedarfsgerechten Applikation ist die leicht automatisierbare (Echtzeit-) Unterstützung bei der Dokumentationspflicht (cross compliance) und der Qualitätssicherung.
Im Rahmen dieses Vorhabens soll deshalb ein System zum automatisierten und bedarfsgerechten Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln für Blattkrankheiten in unterschiedlichen Kulturen erforscht und prototypisch umgesetzt werden. Als Produkte für den skizzierten Markt kommen sowohl Softwaretools (Entscheidungsunterstützung und online-Klassifikation der Blattkrankheiten), Komponenten bzw. Systeme der Pflanzenschutztechnik (Hard- und Software für die adaptive Feldspritze) und Kommunikationsinfrastruktur für Endkunden wie z. B. Landwirte, Agrarberater, Erstausrüster, Verwalter oder Lohnunternehmer in Frage. Nach erfolgreichem Projektabschluss kann das Smart Spraying Konzept nach ca. 2-3 Jahren zur Marktreife gebracht werden.
Förderkennzeichen: 2815705415
Laufzeit: 01.04.2016 - 31.03.2019
Beteiligte Personen:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Emir Memic
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften, Robert Bosch GmbH Zentralbereich Forschung und Vorausentwicklung, Cubert GmbH, AMAZONEN-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG, Bayer CropScience Aktiengesellschaft BCS AG-DF
Development of a value chain for the production of health-promoting and functional food from yacon in Germany (NEW FOOD)
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is native to Andean region and forms underground edible storage organs, the so-called tubers. The tubers of yaon contain fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin as the main form of carbohydrate, unlike potatoes that store starch. Therefore, yacon tubers offer unique health value based on the fact that FOS and inulin cannot be broken down by the human digestive system, which means that there is no sharp rise in blood sugar levels after their consumption. The low effect on the blood sugar level, the low calorie value (25 - 35% of "normal" carbohydrates), and the prebiotic effect result in the added health value of yacon tubers and make them interesting as a plant food product. The tuber can be consumed fresh or can be processed as a sweetener in the form of syrup, flour, flakes or juice. Moreover, the leaves of yacon, are considered as a valuable source of bioactive compounds and has been used traditionally to prepare herbal tea that can be useful against chronic diseases, such as diabetes and renal disorder.
The aim of the project is to develop and establish a cultivation system for yacon in Germany and subsequently to process them into products with a health-promoting effect. In the cultivation process, different crop parameters such as nitrogen fertilisation, planting methods and genotypes are varied to test the influence on growth, development, tuber yield. Also, investigating the quality of tubers and leaves of yacon in terms their bioactive compounds as well as their sugar content is another aim of this project.
Funding: BMWi, Managment Agency VDI/VDE
Funding number: 16KN050526
Duration: 01.05.2016 - 28.02.2019
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, M.Sc. Larissa Kamp, M.Sc. Forough Khajehei
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling (340AG), Institute of Crop Science
AcanChia UG & Co. KG
Quantifying the effects of light quantity and the red: far-red ratio on morphology and physiology of intercropped soybean
Laufzeit: 01.09.2016 - 31.05.2018
Beteiligte Personen:
Dr. sc. agr. Sebastian Munz
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften
Development of an efficient cultivation technique for the production of chia under German conditions including the characterisation of raw material qualities.
The aim of the R&D cooperation project is to develop a holistic technical system for the cultivation and processing of chia along the value chain. Due to their nutrient spectrum, chia seeds are suitable for the production of functional, convenient foods. In this field, it is essential to process and fractionate Chia seeds using appropriate technology. A consortium from the "Bioeconomy" network has been formed for this purpose. Davert is developing an extraction system for the Chia ingredients and is engaged in the research and development of recipes for end products, including the associated process development. Within the project, the University of Hohenheim characterises different provenances of Chia and develops an innovative production system enabling the chia production under German conditions. In the course of the research project, technical processes are therefore being developed that are able to fractionate chia seeds into flours, proteins and oils despite fluctuating raw material-, processing qualities and grain properties. Based on this, corresponding end products are supposed to be developed.
Funding: Central Innovation Program for small and medium-sized enterprises (ZIM)
Funding number: 16KN050524
Duration: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2017
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Samantha Jo Grimes
Involved instituation:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340, Davert GmbH
Due to its highly nutritive compounds (essential Amino Acids, essential (poly-) unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and a large antioxidant capacity) the annual dicotyledonous herbaceous crop Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is gaining an increasing popularity in Europe. The pseudocereal, which is originally native to South America, has low demands on the growing conditions and is also cultivatable on degraded (e.g. salty) soils or in regions with low rainfall, which is particularly important in times of climate change. The advantageous nutritional properties of quinoa led to a continuous increase in global demand. As a result, the production within the countries of origin could not keep pace, thus creating a tight procurement situation of quinoa in Germany. The saponins contained in the quinoa grain, a group of substances which dissolve in water like soap under formation of foam, have to be removed before sale due to their extreme bitterness. The most common method of removing the saponins to date is washing in alkaline solution at various temperatures. As a common practice, the washing process is carried out several times (e.g. washing 5 times). This results in high energy costs, combined with a direct increase in production costs for quinoa.
The aim of the R&D cooperation project was the development of a holistic technical system for the minimization, removal and recovery of the saponins, which had previously only been regarded as waste products, for quinoa raw material produced in Germany.
The objectives of the subproject of the University of Hohenheim were: i) to develop a cultivation method for quinoa in Germany in order to meet the demand for quinoa raw materials and to strengthen the independence from imports, ii) to analyze to what extent differences in the saponin content and relevant ingredients can be traced back to different provenances and cultivation methods and, if necessary, optimized based on suitable cultivation methods. For the cultivation technique, methods for seedbed preparation, sowing, pest control, weed control and harvesting were developed and a guideline for quinoa cultivation was prepared. The causal relationships between varieties and provenances, sowing time, N-fertilization, yield, quality characteristics (saponins, proteins, amino acids and taste) were recorded based on field trials.
Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Funding indicator: 16KN050521
Duration: 01.05.2015 - 30.04.2017
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. Sc. agr. Mhedi Nkebiwe, Dr. Sc. agr. Benjamin Mast, M.Sc. Lisa Schwemmlein, M.Sc. Achim Präger
Involved institutions:
Working group Cropping Systems and Modelling, Institute of Crop Science 340, Acanchia ug & co. KG, Greenfox Naturtec GmbH
Water - People - Agriculture (WPA) - Integrative solutions to water issues and conflicts
Förderer: Anton & Petra Ehrmann-Stiftung
Laufzeit: 01.09.2013 - 31.12.2025
Beteiligte Personen:
Laura Mack, Carolin Weiler
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, WPA Graduiertenschule
IRTG 1070: SP 2.1 Design, modeling and evaluation of improved cropping strategies and multi-level interactions in mixed cropping systems in the North China Plain
In China, the productivity of arable land needs to be further increased. However, with N-fertilizer rates being extremely high already and due to a shortage of irrigation water, further yield increases are not possible by increasing the amount of these input factors. Strategies to reduce or avoid negative environmental effects including water saving while maintaining high yields have to be developed. Yield increases, may be possible by appropriately adjusting cropping systems, either by design (e.g. intercropping as a mixed cropping system), crop sequence and rotation, or improved input factor efficiency.
The main objective of this subproject will be to design, model and evaluate improved cropping strategies and multi-level interactions in mixed cropping systems. Based on a process-oriented modeling approach, the project will emphasize on the evaluation of cropping system prototypes including different crops (spring maize, summer maize, wheat, peanut), different designs (intercropping, mixed cropping), different crop sequences and rotations (e.g. spring maize monoculture versus double cropping winter wheat-summer maize) and different input factor levels of water and nitrogen for different regions and agro-climatic conditions in the North China Plain. By doing so, the project aims at exploring the possibilities and at creating new methodologies for improving the cropping systems in the North China Plain. Within the modeling approach competitive relationships between crop species regarding yield, solar radiation, water and nitrogen will be analyzed and modeled. The project will design the necessary methods and basic approaches for the description of the relevant indicator parameters and transfer these into a thorough modeling approach.
Förderer: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Ministry of Education of the People´s Republic of China
Förderkennzeichen: DFG-GRK 1070
Laufzeit: 01.06.2004 - 30.05.2013
Beteiligte Personen:
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein, Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Dr. sc. agr. Sebastian Munz, Prof. Dr. Wang Pu, Prof. Dr. Chen Qing, Guo Buqing
Beteiligte Einrichtungen:
Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung, Fg. Allgemeiner Pflanzenbau, China Agricultural University Beijing
Publikationen im Rahmen des Projekts:
- Extension and evaluation of intercropping field trials using spatial models.
2010: Knörzer, H., Müller, B.U., Guo, B., Graeff-Hönninger, S., Piepho, H.P., Wang, P., Claupein, W.
- Field-Based Evaluation of Vernalization Requirement, Photoperiod Response and Earliness per se in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
- A Review on vegetable intercropping in the North China Plain – a strategy to combat environmental degradation
2008: Feike, T., Sun, D., Chen, Q., Pfenning, J., Graeff-Hoenninger, S., Zuehlke, G., Claupein, W.
- Determining basic growth parameters of three Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. Pekinensis (Lour) Olsson) cultivars for integration into the DSSAT cropping model
2008: Feike, T., Pfenning, J., Zuehlke, G., Graeff-Hoenninger, S., Claupein, W.
- Knowledge Transfer Systems in China – an Example of Vegetable Intercropping Systems in Hebei Province
2008: Feike, T., Chen, Q., Pfenning, J., Graeff-Hoenninger, S., Zuehlke, G., Claupein, W.
- Modeling intercropping and interspecific competition in arable crops
2008: Knörzer, H, Graeff-Hönninger, S., Claupein, W.
- An Empirical Evaluation of Yield Performance and Water Saving Strategies in a Winter Wheat - Summer Maize Double Cropping System in the North China Plain.
- Abschätzung des Ertragspotenzials von Frühjahrs- und Sommermais in der Nordchinesischen Tiefebene.
- Ermittlung von Vernalisationsbedarf, photoperiodischer Sensitivität und Frühzeitigkeit bei Weizen (Triticum aestivum L.) in einem Feldversuch.
- Charakterisierung verschiedener Weizensorten hinsichtlich ihrer Sensitivität auf Photoperiode und Vernalisation zur Validierung eines „Gen-Basierenden“ Modellierungsansatzes.
- Optimierung der Bewässerung für ein Winterweizen-Körnermais-Doubel-Cropping System in der Nordchinesischen Tiefebene.
- Optimizing Irrigation in a Double Cropping System of Winter Wheat and Summer Maize in the North China Plain.
- Overview over the Development of a Winter Wheat – Summer Maize Double Cropping System in the Northern China Plan over the Last Two Decades.
- Evaluation of Intercropping Systems with Cereals in China and the Potential for Adjustment using a Crop Model Approach
2008: Knörzer, H, Graeff-Hönninger, S., Claupein, W.
- Growth, Yield, Resource Parameters and Interspecific Competition of Intercropped Maize, Wheat, Peas and Peanut in Germany and China – a Model Approach
2009: Knörzer, H., Graeff-Hönninger, S., Claupein, W., Guo, B., Pu, W.
- Light Competition in Chinese Cabbage/Maize Strip Intercropping Systems.
- Model-Based Approach to Quantify and Regionalize Peanut Production in the Major Peanut Production Provinces in the People`s Republic of China.
- Farmer-developed vegetable intercropping systems in southern Hebei, China
2010: Til Feike, Qing Chen, Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Judit Pfenning und Wilhelm Claupein
- How to overcome the slow death of intercropping in China
2010: Til Feike, Qing Chen, Judit Pfenning, Simone Graeff-Hönninger, Gudrun Zühlke, und Wilhelm Claupein
- The Rediscovery of Intercropping in China: a Traditional Cropping System for Future Chinese Agriculture.
- Developing an improved model for simulating a relay intercropping system of wheat and maize
2009: Knörzer, H, Graeff-Hönninger, S., Claupein, W.
- Developing an improved strip-intercropping system for maize and Chinese cabbage in the North China Plain
2009: Anke Mueller, Til Feike, Qing Chen, Simone Graeff-Hoenninger, Judit Pfenning, Wilhelm Claupein
- Improving maize and Chinese Cabbage Intercropping Systems in Northern China.
- Influence of Policy Measures and Economic Growth on Intercropping Systems in China
2009: Til Feike, Qing Chen, Simone Graeff-Hoenninger, Wilhelm Claupein
- Innovation transfer in China – vegetable intercropping systems in southern Hebei province
2009: Til Feike, Qing Chen, Judith Pfenning, Simone Gräff-Hönninger, Gudrun Zühlke, Wilhelm Claupein
- Intercropping of Chinese cabbage and maize – traditional system with future potential for the North China Plain
2009: Feike, T., Chen, Q., Pfenning, J., Graeff-Hoenninger, S., Claupein, W.
- Simulating a Wheat-Maize Intercropping System with the DSSAT Crop Growth Model
- Studying the Microclimate in a Maize Intercropping System.
- Ideotyping Approach: Finding Suitable Wheat Varieties for a Sustainable Crop Production in the North China Plain.